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What is Preservation Planning?

0 votes

Preservation planning is often a term encountered across the digital preservation community. But what exactly are we talking about when referring to 'Preservation Planning'?

Assuming that 'preservation' is a whole activity and preservation planning is part of that whole, how does this one constituant part fit in with the other parts? Can preservation planning be put into a simple diagram (such as the DCC life cylce Model)?
I'm looking for a really clear definition of what preservation planning is, it's impact, and the reasons to carry these activities out.
I'm really interested to learn how do you know when you are carrying out preservation planning, and how can others - my organisation - know when I'm doing preservation planning? How can I tell if the preservation planning I’m doing is effective. What processes/activities are part of preservation planning?
asked May 28, 2014 by fryerc (230 points)
edited May 29, 2014 by fryerc

1 Answer

+1 vote

A heart, I would consider Preservation Planning to mean the process by which one decides what preservation action or intervention to carry out (if any). In the PLANETS/SCAPE approach, this is often framed as a reaction to a Preservation Risk, and the planning process is a specialised form of risk management.

Under the OAIS Reference Model (§, this is broadened out to include monitoring technologies and communities for events that may indicate intervention is needed (also known as Preservation Watch). OAIS also expands Preservation Planning to include initial AIP/SIP design, standard, reports and policies as well as Migration Plans (a.k.a. Preservation Actions).

Note that other models, including the DCC lifecycle, separate planning from community watch, but frame both as continuous processes that occur throughout the lifecycle. From the DCC Lifecycle page:

Plan for preservation throughout the curation lifecycle of digital material. This would include plans for management and administration of all curation lifecycle actions.

answered Jun 2, 2014 by anjackson (2,950 points)