We're working on a METS profile related to this right now.
Our approach is to add this kind of techinical metadata to www.wikidata.org and reference it using <mdRef> in a <techMD> element in an <amdSec>.
An example (work in progress) related to this follows:
<mets:amdSec ID="Format-f4cf59e20612806030c7b7104e2eb7efdaad1e65847a15903de7676a1d521fbf892e8a8870cedd4c48732371bba71974a27387f3a5276f318e4b22520bc761d4">
<mets:techMD ID="FileFormat-f4cf59e20612806030c7b7104e2eb7efdaad1e65847a15903de7676a1d521fbf892e8a8870cedd4c48732371bba71974a27387f3a5276f318e4b22520bc761d4">
I haven't yet been able to find the appropriate item in Wikidata for your particular scenario but since its a wiki, it can be added!
Once the amdSec is in the METS it can be referenced in other elements using the ADMID attribute. That attribute can also reference multiple amdSec elements (as you showed in your tweet recently) so you should be able to document everything you need using this approach.
Wikidata may not be the best place for the disc-specific metadata, but the general approach should work (use of external references) and some aspects, such as "multi-session disc" could certainly be referenced to wikidata.
The track-specific information looks to be descriptive metadata as well as technical, so could probably go in your descriptive catalogue even if you also descide to put it in your technical metadata section