In most cases, an archive will only really be interested in the unique content of a forum - threads, user profile pages, and the high-level organization (forum/subforum/thread arrangement in subforum) of the site. Unfortunately, most links on forums are there for ease of navigation and user administration. A single thread may have its unique URL, a #lastpost argument URL, its neighbors linking with #next and #previous, display settings passed via URL argument, etc etc.
To give an idea of the complexity that forums can have, a single thread's page (10 posts) from contained 327 intradomain links. Most of these are for user actions and serve no purpose in a web archive.
As such, there are a few options here:
Blacklisting - Assume that a forum is essentially all useful, and reduce the scope to exclude URLs you aren't interested in. For example, on Ubuntu Forums, you would start with a simple recursive crawl from, and add pattern-matching exclusions for URLs such as *markread*, *sort*, *newreply*, et al. The benefit of this approach is that it guarantees capturing (nearly) everything of interest on the forum; however, it does require a lot of setup, testing, and fine-tuning the scope to minimize the amount of non-useful pages captured.
Whitelisting - Assume that a forum is essentially all useless, and expand the scope to include URLs you are interested in. Using the Ubuntu Forums example again, you would start by including *forumdisplay*, *showthread*, and *member* (with regular expressions written to block unnecessary arguments) and expand from there. The benefit of a whitelist approach is that it requires less monitoring and testing to ensure that traps and unwanted pages aren't being captured; however, it also requires knowing exactly what you want beforehand and comes with the risk of excluding pages that you want, but didn't know existed.